Lazy sunday
Kategori: Vardag
This lazy sunday I have been walking around the apartment for hours between coffee, croissants, homemade nutella, music, tv-shows and aimlessly looking out the window. My job takes most of my brain capacity these days and more than that - MY FOCUS. For someone who should've probably been diagnosed with some form om ADHD, a 8-5 job is a bit much. 6 h working days, are you coming soon?? Especially since my job consists of reading heavy scientific papers on recycling processes and writing a report on the subject. It is developing me professionally for sure, but just a tiny bit of more creativity would make it perfect. This job is taking me one step closer to finding out what my first job choices as an engineer will be, tho, and that is worth a lot to me. (Also it is paying my rent, hehe)
Yesterday I went to a viking market in Höllviken which was totally cosy despite the rain. The night was spent at a group of nice people's sangria-preparty. I had the most extraordinary sangria of course, it contained banana (!), orange, lemon, sockerdricka (swedish soda), orange juice, sugar and of course - alcohol free red wine. I am happy I don't drink but occationally I miss red wine. Would I still be considered sober if I drink one glass of red wine in the woods or something? It is not affecting anybody but me and I wouldn't get drunk or anything? (One of the many reasons I am sober) I keep telling my friends that I will do that and not tell them but it has been years and I still didn't have any red wine. So, I guess we will see how that goes.
Me, James Bay and the ol' record player.