Half Saturday before the battery died. A Berlinvibe.
Kategori: Vardag
We had the most amazing breakfast at the apartment! Coffee, freshly baked bread, oat meal, apple sause, fruit, spreads, cheeses, dolma, hummus etc. mmmm
We left my bags at Sabrinas place in Kreutzberg and went to veganz to get picknick food!
Went to Tempelhof!
I always love me some airplane shaped friends!
Truly content.
There was lots of food, yoga, relaxing and more airplanes.
This is the last plane. This is also when my camera died. Whoups.
We went to pubs in the area for a while. I went home quickly to leave some things (like a useless camera) and get ready for a night out. I met up with some people again at a pizza place that served a really nice vegan pizza. That's just Berlin. ♥ We then took trams to different places where we were considering going out but didn't. This went on for hours! Around 2.30 we finally went to a gay club (the queer part of the group got our way). Danced to Lady Gaga, Womanizer, Salsa music, Techno. There was everything. Such a wonderful ending of a great saturday. And the next day the camera battery was fully loaded.